Moy Regional Primary School

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We welcome our new Primary One pupils and look forward to getting to know them and having them share in our learning experiences in Moy Regional Primary. 

We are really glad to have our Primary Two children back with us to share more fun and to continue their learning journey! 

We have been enjoying outdoor play in the mild Autumn weather.

Whether outside or inside, playtime and P.E are always fun! Click on the pictures below to see how we are developing our gross and fine motor skills!

Great work in our sorting activities. As you can see, we have been using our own ideas to make sets, thinking which items belong and giving reasons.

Primary One have been busy practising their early counting skills.

We have been trying out some classroom yoga. 
It was good fun and very relaxing!

We are learning all about Kipper. We painted pictures of him…don’t they look great!

Well done boys!

Look at our lovely painted Elmers.
They are so bright and colourful.

Look at our fabulous Elmer display board featuring the Elmers we painted and decorated with lots of different designs. 

We had our first Food Friday in P1/2.
We tasted delicious bananas, apples, strawberries and grapes.

We have been continuing repeating patterns and creating our own! 

Look at the fun we had during our Autumn Fun Week!

After all our effort, our owls looked fabulous!

Look at our fabulous ‘Owls’ display!

Super fun on our Dress up Day and around our campfire with stories, rhymes and songs, not forgetting toasted marshmallows and s’mores!

Look at us making (and eating) our fake teeth!! 

Autumn Fun Week would not be complete without some themed outdoor play sessions! Check out our photos below!

Through all these activities we practised our gross and fine motor skills and developed our thinking skills and personal capabilities. 

Time also for some Autumn themed counting practise!

Primary One were learning the rhyme ‘Five Fat Peas’ and made their own pea pods, sequencing the numbers to 5.

We had great fun on our ‘Wellie Walk’ fundraiser, finished off with some leaf shower fun ! 

A ‘Food Friday’ favourite-crusty bread with ham and cheese!

Remembrance activities underway in Primary 1 and 2, where the children created their own poppies and poppy field pictures, after looking at the work of some famous artists.

We also decorated ‘poppy’ biscuits and practised counting in a poppy themed activity!

P1 and P2 joined with the pupils in P3 and 4 to be Nature Rangers for the day on our visit to Parkanaur. We learned about the woodland animals and their habitats. We experienced the Autumn season at first hand and enjoyed looking at all the beautiful colours of the leaves. 

Who knew learning the alphabet could be so much fun!

We had a great day at Moy Methodist Church learning about the Christmas story through activities and crafts. A big thank you to Andy and his team of volunteers.

Some of our practical activities on 2D shape included making ‘shape pizzas’, driving our vehicles around our shape racetracks and dice games.

We also followed patterns to make shape pictures.

…….And our P.1 elves helped load the sleigh with lots of 2D shapes!

We really enjoy taking part in Christmas art and craft activities 

 Who knew Santa had a motorbike! P.1 and 2 enjoyed seeing him drive by!

Can you work out which story we have been thinking about?

Some of our fantastic Christmas artwork on display

Primary One and Two thoroughly enjoyed taking part in their seasonal structured play sessions including role play in Santa’s Workshop, using their own ideas to decorate Christmas trees and  engaging in small world North Pole themed activities. Look how absorbed we are in our learning!






P1 and 2 really expended lots of energy on their end of term trip to Peter Pan’s Neverland

P.1 enjoyed practising their counting and fine motor skills by threading Cheerios. 

More threading skill practice to make our ‘8 octopuses!’

We have also been playing Snakes and Ladders to practice counting skills to 50.

They also participated in fun games to reinforce key high-frequency words and letter sounds.

Here P.1 pupils are matching pizza toppings to the corresponding number and making their own versions!

Primary One have been sorting and ordering collections of objects by height as part of our Measures topic work.

 We worked as a team to order these objects by length and used lots of appropriate related vocabulary as we went along. We also sorted paper strips to show our understanding.

Primary One and Two received a letter from Rapunzel and she needed our help. She was trapped in a tower and she asked us to make a ladder for her to help her escape. She said she was growing her hair so that the Prince could climb up to visit her. We began making plans and used non standard units to measure the length of her hair and the ladder to make sure they would be long enough.

Not to be outdone, the boys decided that they could make a ladder of a different type!

We are now experts in tapping out the number of syllables in a word. Brilliant work everyone!

This also provided us with lots of role play opportunities and the chance to do some building using our Giant Polydron bricks.

Primary 2 also used marshmallows as non standard units of measure!

The children have been enjoying using both iPads and the interactive whiteboard to progress their learning.

Our StudyLadder superstars in P.1 and 2.

P.1 enjoyed using mini marshmallows to practise making sets of up to 10.

Work in progress for Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day from P.1 and 2 as they show you their cards made for family members with lots of love!

It’s another ‘Food Friday!’ Congratulations to all our little ones for enthusiastically enjoying tasting a range of vegetables as you can see below.

We have been learning about different types of clocks and telling o’clock’ and ‘half past’ times on both analogue and digital formats.

 We hope all the Mums enjoyed receiving their special Mother’s Day messages.

World Book Day fun in Primary One and Two involved lots of fun activities based on rhyming texts, with our favourite being ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ by Dr. Seuss. Of course we had to make some and try it out for ourselves! Do you think we liked it? Check out the photos below to see for yourself. 

World Book Day also provided the perfect opportunity for our P6 and 7 pupils to share stories with our class. They really enjoyed the experience of reading to P.1 and 2 with great expression and discussion skills being shown to inspire them all to enjoy books.

Easter means it’s time for some bubble printing fun! Look at the beautiful artwork we created using the prints we made. 

We have all been working hard to create our ‘Spring’ notice board where we show our understanding of the things that happen in this season of the year.

Unfortunately the weather was not favourable for our Easter Egg Hunt, however this did not dampen our enthusiasm for searching for treats indoors!

Primary Two had a great first day back after Easter. We searched for eggs, made words from the letters contained inside and recorded the words we made.

The children were observing birds nests and were amazed to see how wonderfully they were put together. P.1 even had a go at creating their own birds nest outdoors.

It was great to see P.1 and 2 tucking into their pancakes on another ‘Food Friday’.

We have been participating really well within our hockey sessions with our coach Christine. She says that we are all superstars!

We have been thinking about how we can help look after our world. We even made our own greenhouses so that we could watch our beans grow!

 Primary One and Two had a great day at Parkanaur where we joined with Primary Three and Four to think about ‘Woodland Wellbeing’. We learned about the animals who make the forest their home and as we walked around and saw the different trees, we took part in different activities to improve and encourage us to think about our wellbeing. 

We have been reading the ‘Gruffalo’ stories. Primary Two did a fantastic job of drawing and labelling their own Gruffalos.

Our topic for Term 3 was ‘Castles and Dragons’ and the boys are getting us off to a great start as they proudly display their castle building skills!

We were very busy making crowns, shields and swords to use in our castle role play.

We hope all the Dads enjoyed receiving their Fathers Day cards as much as we enjoyed making them. Great job everyone!

Although our trip to the castle did not go as planned, nevertheless we had a great time dressing up and enjoying the banquet that Lady Caulfield had organised for us. 

We really enjoyed practising for Sports Day and taking part in all the races on the day. Super sportsmanship and participation from everyone!

 Needless to say we all enjoyed our ice-cream treat at the end too!

Primary One and Two proudly display their end of year sports certificates.

As part of our work on handling data, Primary One made a chart to show the colours of Smarties that they had in their boxes.

The school year ended with our fantastic family fun night!
Have a lovely summer everyone!