Moy Regional Primary School

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We went on a number hunt to find 2 and 3 digit numbers. We then had to partition these into the correct place value column…super work from everyone! 

We have been learning about Place Value. We used materials to show tens and units (P3) and hundreds, tens and units (P4).

It was a lovely morning for our noun hunt.  P3 enjoyed searching for the hidden noun cards in our wooded area.

Great job! 


We finished off our learning about alphabetical order by using the interactive computer software to order letters and play an interactive game on the iPad to order words.
We can play this game at home too. Look for the link on Seesaw.

We played ‘Walk About’ to find the two and three digit numbers hidden around the classroom. When we found them we had to write down the number as words. P3 also practised reading numbers as words and wrote them as digits on the interactive board. Well done everyone!

We had our first hockey session of the term with Christine in the lovely September sunshine. We are looking forward to developing our hockey skills.

We have been busy sorting letters into alphabetical order.
Great work from everyone!

We took our learning outdoors again to work on letters before and after in the alphabet. There was plenty of singing going on…a, b, c, d, e, f, g…… 

We have been learning all about the alphabet and alphabetical order. We enjoyed using computer software to fill in the missing letters.

It was a beautiful day for some outdoor learning. We had use the number cards to put the numbers in order from smallest to largest and largest to smallest. Great job everyone!

There has been lots of hard work going on in P3&4 as we have been learning about the numbers before/after and between up to 100 and 1000. 

Happy faces on our first day back to school.