Moy Regional Primary School

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A big welcome our new Primary One pupils. It is great to have you join our school family. 

We look forward to catching up with our Primary Two pupils as well and to continuing our learning journey together. 

The year got off to a great start with lots of opportunities to learn through play, both indoors and outside in the lovely Autumn sunshine. 

Sorting was the first numeracy topic of the year. We had lots of opportunities to use our own ideas to make sets based on colour, size and shape, whilst giving reasons and explanations to demonstrate our understanding. Primary 2 also showed their ability to use Tree, Venn and Carroll diagrams in their learning. 

Here we are discussing the things we like and recording our findings using intersecting sets on a Venn Diagram.

As part of our ‘All About Me’ topic work, Primary 2 used natural materials to create their ‘Forest Faces’. 

We have been continuing to enjoy the lovely weather and taking our learning outdoors. P.2 have been consolidating number sequence and writing the numbers that come ‘before’ and ‘after’ on their clipboards.  P.1 have been thinking about the concepts of the ‘same’, ‘different’ and ‘odd one out’ by matching the socks and hanging them on the clothes line. 

Primary One have been continuing to develop their fine motor skills whilst thinking about colours, counting and having fun!

We have also been focussing on developing our listening skills by playing a range of percussion instruments and going on a listening walk.

We have been using counting rhymes and songs to develop our counting skills. Can you tell which rhymes we have been learning?

We also were celebrating Biff and Chip’s birthday by making cards and cakes!