Moy Regional Primary School

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Practising letter sounds using the Interactive Whiteboard whilst P.2 complete a 'Write the Room'activity where they have to find the picture cards around the school and unjumble the letters to spell the words correctly. 

Labelling our cat pictures as part of our 'Animals Near and Far' topic

Vets role play fun!

Love is in the air!

Retelling the main features of the story of Rapunzel through our wall display


Lucy and Maisie painted the castle where Rapunzel and the Prince would live happily ever after.

Some of the girls decided that Rapunzel and the Prince would need a cake for their wedding!

Acting out the story of Rapunzel and building the tower using our Giant Polydron.

Primary Two participating in shared writing to retell the story of Rapunzel.

Practical work on developing counting within 10, number doubles using the spots on our ladybirds and number sequence through playing Snakes and Ladders.

Primary Two measuring using non standard units to help Rapunzel escape from the tower.

Primary Two taking part in practical activities on alphabet sequence and sorting and matching capital and lower case letters

Primary One practising letter formation using chalk letters and wet paintbrushes

P1/2 Mrs LittlE

Welcome to 2020. Thanks for the reminder girls!

Christmas party food and fun!

Christmas jumpers and craftwork

Primary One and Two performing at our Coffeee Morning

Santa's Visit

Some of our favourite story characters drawn by P.2 using the interactive whiteboard

In Literacy we have been thinking about the story of the Little Red Hen. P.2 have illustrated the story and we were thinking about what the characters might be saying.

Primary 2 have been using magnetic letters to help practise their spelling words

Primary One have been busy making poppies for Remembrance Day. Check how they turned out below….

Guess who will be having fun over half term?

We have been learning about letters and building words

P.2 art activities in progress......

Our finished wall display!

We all enjoyed reading stories about Elmer the Elephant and we made different patterns and designs on each of our elephants 

Outdoor play for Primary One pupils.

Primary One were developing fine motor control but they just thought they were having fun!

Teamwork in action!

In Primary Two we take our role as helpers very seriously!

Learning about number sequence.

This cutting out can be a tricky business!

Primary One were icing biscuits to practise counting but eating them was the best part!

Primary One have been counting and making sets.

Primary 2 have also been sorting, but this time they have been working with a partner to sort, compare and talk about things they like.

Primary One have been busy sorting and making sets based on colour, shape and size.